Medecine will add years to our life.
Plastic surgery can add life to these years.
The specialty of plastic surgery includes reconstructive surgery, plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery. However, this division should not let us forget that the term plastic surgery includes aesthetic purpose and a spirit of reconstruction with the same sensitivity. A true cosmetic surgeon is before all a reconstructive surgeon, as a plastic surgeon should always keep an aesthetic dimension to its reconstruction. A reconstructed breast must be as beautiful as possible for the intervention to be successful! Plastic surgery is also reconstructing aesthetics… In my everyday life, I practice plastic surgery, as much as, cosmetic surgery… and this is exciting and rewarding!
Reconstructive Surgery
Reconstructive or restorative surgery, is to repair disorders congenital or post-traumatic visible organs of the body, those that adversely affect the form or function. Plastic surgery, in its restorative role can be considered as surgery rehabilitation after cancer, accident, congenital malformation or a destructive infection.
Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery is the « surgery forms ». It is a corrective surgery used for large deformations but that do not involve a major functional discomfort. It is the case of certain mammary hypertrophy which, because they are important, hinder the practice of sport clothing and, in fact, everyday social life. It is same with children who have prominent ears, certain deformed belly that can take the appearance of a large cutaneo-greasy apron covering the pubis, or consequence of extreme weight loss that can cause considerable skin surpluses.
Cosmetic Surgery
Cosmetic surgery has a long tradition behind it: physical appearance has always been the object of transformations universally practised at any time and in any place. Pure cosmetic surgery represents, in all of the plastic surgery techniques, the more artistic and perfectionist concept of the surgical Act. It is currently intended for well-defined applications at the level of the face (cervico-facial lifting, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, Otoplasty), at the level of the body (surgery of the breasts, belly, thighs, arms) and in the field of aesthetic medicine. The so-called cosmetic surgery of rejuvenation rejuvenates not in the proper sense of the term even if it significantly improves some stigmata of age. Cosmetic surgery is not a surgery of “rejuvenation”. It is a surgery of “better ageing”. The purpose of our interventions is not to transform; we simply propose a modification which seeks to harmonize the forms in the utmost discretion. The word “harmonization” can summarize what drives our interventions.
More recently, we have developed two concepts:
- Humanitarian cosmetic surgery. Time is spent, sometimes painfully, by and deep within the body in a state of precarity that no veil can hide. Can we, at least, dare hope that a surgical veil will render more acceptable this mutilated face hardly tolerated by others. And yet the deep and hollow cavity of these wounds offer a tragic depth to the humanity and humility of our perception as if scraping the surface of misery was not enough to reveal how deep our feelings can stetch. It is only when a tropical disease like the Noma, destroys a human being’s face that the full meaning of our gesture becomes acceptable and aesthetically correct? Will our competence and humanity be only remembered as a scar left by our healing gesture? Will cosmetic surgery be doomed to remain hidden like the face of a mortified woman? Can a humanitarian act be aesthetical? Can cosmetic surgery be accepted as humanitarian? (Read more)
- Ethno-surgery . It unites modern surgery with traditional medicine. We propose to treat the patient with very sophisticated techniques but taking into account the environment in which we operate, the culture of the patient and in respect of local traditions. The ethno-chirurgie is to transform the body without disagreement with the environment and that, regardless of the place. (Read more)